Redfern Legal Centre Enterprise Agreement

The Redfern Legal Centre, a community legal service in Sydney, Australia, recently negotiated a new enterprise agreement with its staff members. This agreement outlines the terms and conditions of employment for workers at the centre, including salaries, working hours, and other benefits.

The key feature of the new agreement is a significant pay increase for the centre`s staff members. Under the new agreement, employees will receive a 3% pay rise each year for the next three years. This increase is above the rate of inflation and is designed to ensure that the centre`s workers are paid fairly for their work.

Other changes to the agreement include an increase in parental leave entitlements and provisions for domestic violence leave. The agreement also includes new clauses around flexible working arrangements, which will allow staff members to work from home or adjust their hours to better suit their needs.

Overall, the new enterprise agreement is a positive development for the staff members of the Redfern Legal Centre. By negotiating a fair and equitable agreement, the centre has demonstrated its commitment to supporting its workers and ensuring that they are paid and treated fairly.

From an SEO perspective, it`s worth noting that any news or updates related to the Redfern Legal Centre or its enterprise agreement could be of interest to people looking for legal services in the Sydney area. By including relevant keywords and phrases in any articles or blog posts related to this topic, website owners could increase their visibility in search engine results pages and drive more traffic to their site.

For example, including phrases such as « Redfern Legal Centre enterprise agreement », « fair pay for legal workers in Sydney », or « employee benefits at Redfern Legal Centre » could help search engines understand the relevance of the content and show it to users who are searching for related topics. By keeping up with news and updates related to this and other legal topics, website owners can improve their SEO and attract more visitors to their site.